Tuesday, October 23, 2007

New York's Alright If You Like Saxaphones

So myself and seamie are in NYC. We got in around six friday, got ripped off for steaks, found out NYC taxi drivers don't know where anywhere is (we'd been invited to a gig in a house in brooklyn but taxi dudes didn't know the address), went to see a band with saxaphones in (not as bad as it sounds) and crashed around 2am, tired and a little drunk. Saturday we walked manhattan from about midtown (20th street) all the way to the world trade center, which was just a hole in the ground. Then we walked the brooklyn bridge (which was cool) and climbed the empire state building (with was scary). After some food we went to a gig in brooklyn (smoke or fire and lawrence arms) and met up with two english guys i met at fest last year, chris and timmy. After that gig we went to another one up the street (arrivals, four letter word, some other random bands) where you get a free hotdog with every drink. After that we went back to an irish bar in manhattan and played pool until we fell out of there at 4am. Sunday we met the lads again and did some shopping. We stopped for food in the east village at around 4pm in some bar with seats outside. As we were settling into our first beers when, random as you like, i see Ronan Healy come out of the bar. Seamie and i stared at him until he noticed some people staring at him, and then freaked out when he recognised us. Turns out he works around the corner. We end up drinkig with him all day (no mean feat, the boy can drink with the best of them) and going to see Fred (macroom band) who were playing that night in manhattan. Random as all anything. The night was long and messy, so yesterday we took it pretty handy, i bought a lens for my camera, we walked around for a while, then brought the limeys to see brooklyn bridge and have some food at this amazing pizza place in brooklyn. Early night after that as the lads were heading to gainesville today and we were pretty wrecked from all the drinking. Today we went on a museum tour. Took in the museum of natural history (not as cool as the one ruth and i went to in prague in jan) and the guggenheim (bit pretentious for me but seamie loved it). Got a train downtown to see wall street, got some food, and now we're back in the hostel.

So all going well, sorry this is long and boring, my money's about to go so i've to run. Hope all is well with all.....

1 comment:

Unknown said...

just goes to show no matter how far you go, you just can't get away. you're doing the world-wide tour of macroom.